• Field containing quotation marks makes code to fail

    By Olli Kämäräinen 2 decades ago


    When you are updating eg. Description-field in destination database, you might get error if there is quotation marks in field value.

    For example:

    "I'm going to "school" and after that i'll go for "dinner"".

    Error happens inside CommonFunctionLibrary -library and in function getHashValue:

    varTemp = Evaluate( {@Password("} + Left(strTemp, 40) + {")} )

    And can be corrected by adding -mark in front of quotation marks.

    For example

    varTemp = Evaluate( {@Password("} + Left(ReplaceSubString(strTemp,|"|,|\"|), 40) + {")} )

    ReplaceSubString-function can be found from:
