• Unable to invoke calendarView.onRescheduleEntry

    By Johnny Haugen Sørgård 8 years ago

    onOpenEntry, onContextMenu, onSelectEntry with this code works.

    var sUnid = items[0].unid;
    if(dojo.isMozilla || dojo.isWebKit){

    path = #{javascript:"\"" + @FullUrl('/') + "\""};
    path = path + "ArbeidsOrdre.xsp?documentId=" + sUnid + "&action=openDocument";


    path = "ArbeidsOrdre.xsp?documentId=" + sUnid + "&action=openDocument";

    document.location.href = path;]]>

    However when adding the exact same code to onRescheduleEntry or onNewEntry nothing happens.

    Installed extension library 901v00_15.

    I try to invoke the onRescheduleEntry event by dragging an entry and dropping it on another day.