• Unexpected runtime error

    By Patrick Kwintensson 1 decade ago

    The runtime has encountered an unexpected error.

    Error source

    Page Name:/startPageNew.xsp
    Control Id: _id176


    Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
    Script interpreter error, line=9, col=88: Error calling method 'lastElement()' on java class 'java.util.Vector'

    JavaScript code

       1: if(rowData.getColumnValue("$13") === "IBM"){
       2:    return true;
       3: }else{
       4:    var nam:NotesName=null;
       5:    var doc:NotesDocument = rowData.getDocument();
       6:    if(doc == null){
       7:        return false;
       8:    }else{
       9:        var auth:NotesName = session.createName(doc.getItemValue("editorlist").lastElement())
      10:        //print ("Author is... " + auth)
      11:         var authOrg = auth.getOrganization();
      12:        //print ("Author Org is... " + authOrg)
      13:         if(authOrg === "IBM"){
      14:             return true;
      15:         }else if(doc.hasItem("authoribmer")){
      16:             if(doc.getItemValueString("authoribmer") === "y"){
      17:                 return true;
      18:             }else{
      19:                 return false;
      20:             }   
      21:         }
      22:     }
      23: }
    • Update buildpath

      By Jennifer E Heins 1 decade ago
              First, let&#39;s make sure ConfiguredProducts.java is there.</p>
                  In Designer, go to Window &gt; Show Eclipse Views &gt; and select Navigator. If you don&#39;t have that in the list select Other &gt; General &gt; Navigator and click OK.</li>
                  Locate the database template and expand it as follows:<br/>
                  WebContent &gt; WEB-INF &gt; src &gt; com &gt; ibm &gt; lotus &gt; idc &gt; wiki</li>
                  ConfiguredProducts.java should be there. If it isn&#39;t there, copy it from the same location in the template to the wiki. If it is there, go to the next step.</li>
              Second, let&#39;s make sure the build path is set correctly.</p>
                  In Designer, right-click on the wiki and select Project Properties.</li>
                  Go to the Source tab and see if there is a build path for WebContent/WEB-INF/src</li>
                  If not, create it following these steps:
                          Click Add Folder</li>
                          Expand WebContent and WEB-INF.</li>
                          Only select src under WEB-INF and click OK to create the build path.</li>
                          Click OK on Project Properties.</li>
                  Try the wiki again and see if this fixes the problem.</li>
              Let me know if this works and I can update the template with this explicit build path.</p>