• spamc not getting passed max message size

    By Pumynt Chooboonraj 2 decades ago


    to a size larger than 256k.

    However, it isn't sending the value to spamc so spamc is still throwing an error on the emails that are larger than 256k.

    According to http://spamassassin.apache.org/full/3.1.x/doc/spamc.html

    The following flag needs to be sent when spamc is invoked.

    -s max_size

    Set the maximum message size which will be sent to spamd -- any bigger than this threshold and the message will be returned unprocessed (default: 250 KB). If spamc gets handed a message bigger than this, it won't be passed to spamd. <br/>

    The size is specified in bytes, as a positive integer greater than 0. For example, -s 250000.<br/>

    I rank this as medium, as it is not working and throwing a lot of errors on mail messages that are too big.

    If more information is required please let me know.