• clenotes --password option doesn't work with send

    By boson matter 1 decade ago


    I am using clenotes 4.2.2 with IBM Lotus Notes 8.5 (Release 8.5.1 FP1).

    You can see below that I have provided my password on the command line - but it still prompts for my password and when I enter my password, it gives an error anyways.


    CLENotes-4.2.2&gt;<strong>clenotes.cmd send --to=&quot;email@host.com&quot; --subject=&quot;test mail&quot; --password=xxxxmypwdxxxx</strong></div>

    Command Line Email Client for Lotus Notes v4.2.2

    Copyright (C) 2002, 2012 by IBM Corporation.
    Licensed under the Apache License v2.0.
    The ID file being used is: U:\Notes8\Data\xxxx_myuser_xxxx.id
    <strong>Enter password (press the Esc key to abort): &lt;I enter xxxxmypwdxxxx again&gt;</strong></div>
    <strong>Error executing command &#39;Mail.sendMail&#39;: getopt.GetoptError ,<u>option --password not recognized</u>, &lt;traceback object at &nbsp;1&gt;</strong></div>


    Any help is much appreciated.



    Boson Matter.