• Java exception

    By Peter Gordon 1 decade ago

    I am currently running version CLENotes-4.2.2.

    I am trying to run 5.0.0 but get the following exception.


    14507:00002-3570916160] 12/04/2013 11:36:25 A  End MIME to CD Conversion (Process: ? (000038AB:00000002), Database: CN=XXXXXXXX.NSF, Note: 0018DDC6)
    Exception in thread "CLENotesThreadRunnable" java.lang.ClassCastException: lotus.domino.local.Item incompatible with lotus.domino.RichTextItem
        at clenotes.utils.DominoUtils.getAttachmentNames(DominoUtils.java:532)
        at clenotes.utils.DominoUtils.getAttachmentNames(DominoUtils.java:437)
        at clenotes.utils.DominoUtils.getMails(DominoUtils.java:814)
        at clenotes.commands.Today.execute(Today.java:84)
        at clenotes.CLENotes.run(CLENotes.java:87)
        at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source)


    • More information

      By Sami Salkosuo 1 decade ago

      Could you please send some more information.

      What command you were using? What is the version of Notes? Does the error come from all emails in your inbox or just some emails?
