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Mini CMS - Feature Request: Can you kill off the hardcoded CSS refs in MiniCMS?

Hello, I have experimented with minicms a good bit, and spend a whole weekend trying to track down and remove all the hardcoded css stuff, which makes it very hard to truly customize this system.

Yes, I know, I should learn more css, and I could probably overcome this by redesigning the webpages, but I'm trying to implement this system (for free) for some very simple people at a non-profit arts organization who have no clue. One example of a problem that occurs is if you attempt to creaate a table surrounding the entire form, some things just don't stay within the table. I think I have finally managed to kill off all the css in my copy of MiniCMS, and still have TinyMCE run, but it took me some time, and has caused some other problems.

Here is my test system:


Thanks, and thanks for the good work.


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