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OpenNTF Productivity Extensions for Notes - Feature Request: Consistent UI

Hi there,

Just had a brief look at the template and it seems as if there are many nice features. However the UI for the Productivity Extensions features is very inconsistent with the rest of the mailbox design.
1) Buttons are images with icons.
2) Dialogboxes have white backgrounds where those from the standard mailbox design is system color.
3) The view action bar is very crowded (and wide). I'm running a monitor resolution of 1600x1200 and that's just enough for seeing all the actions. Most users have lees resolution and cannot see everything. I think it would be a good idea to group your features in one action group (i.e. GTD or Productivity).

Just one last thing - Is there a difference between the File action and the action Folder\Move to folder?

Looking forward to test the app a little more.


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