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OpenNTF Mail Template - Feature Request: Major conversion on how QuickForward is handled

Because of a number of problems with the QuickForward model today, we need to make some fairly radical changes in how we handle this capability.

Originally, QuickForwards were implemented as folders for one simple reason: so that we would have a trigger event when the user drag & dropped on to the target folder. The QueryAddToFolder event for the *current* folder is fired when a user drag and drops to a new folder.

(Tangent: There are global events for all document drags and drops, but the mail template preempts these for the sake of it's rules processing, which is incredibly annoying. Why we can't have an event in the target folder for when something is added to it is beyond me. But I've always complained about Notes client event model being inadequate.)

As it turns out, "QueryAddToFolder" is a misnomer. This event is actually fired even if the target for the drag event is not a folder. So dragging to a regular outline action also fires the event. You can see this if you drag a document from your Inbox to the QuickFolder's "New" action.

So, based on the VAST problems experienced by having the QuickForward targets as folders (unread marks, rules, stationary, etc), we need to shift the model to something else. If instead of generating Outline entries as folder targets, we instead make them simply actions, we can still trigger the same events.

Taking this approach will necessitate a different tracking model, but will also allow us to make a stronger distinction between the name shown in the outline, and the actual address that the message is forwarded to. We'll track this in a profile.

Further, we'll adjust the Forward stamp to include the list of recipients of the forwarded message. This way, we can make a view that presents all QuickForwarded messages categorized by the target recipient.

We should combine this effort with the revised selection mechanism for the target address. We already want to make this a dialog box with an address selection, rather than the current input box.

Taken Actions by Owners

Owners are investigating the request.

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