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OpenNTF Mail Experience - Feature Request: Small fonts on calendar, even smaller on week & month views

One of the irritations with the Notes calendar is that the font (for details) is too big to be useful, and WAY too big for the weekly and monthly views.
What I propose is:
1. Add new fields (with smaller fonts) which are only visible for week, work week and month views. (@GetViewInfo([CalendarViewFormat])>2). These include start & end times (where appropriate) and subject. I recommend font size 7 for these views.
2. Existing start, end, subject fields are hidden when @GetViewInfo([CalendarViewFormat])>2. I recommend reducing the font size from 9 to 8 for these views
3. Change the format for start & end time view columns from "general" which generates space-gobbling AM & PM, to specific 24-hour time, which is much more compact; reduce the column widths to take advantage of the space savings, leaving more room for subject.

In combination with the color by category, the result is a VERY useful calendar, which would make any Outlook user jealous!

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Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.