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Data Moving Animal - Feature Request: The UNID of the Source document should be transported to the target

Dear Mr Jeyachandrian,

we want to create a "Developer catalog", which is a copy of the original acumulated database-catlog of our domain(s) with a lot of exclusions (mail-files etc.). For updating the easiest relational field would be the UNID of the sourcedocument, perhaps enriched by the source-database (server, filepath) and/or source replica ID.

What I want to say: You must keep in mind, that the user of Data Moving Animal typically has ALL rights on the target, but NO rights on the source. So we must be able to enrich the target documents by unique identifiers to their source - and the named parts above would do this.

In the actual version all formulas at creation or updating are working only on the target documents. At this time they already have lost their original source relation.

Thanks in advance

Norbert Goeth

Mail-address: Firstname dot Lastname at evonik dot com

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