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SuperNTF - Feature Request: Use profile docs to allow users to select language preference

Martijn de Jong's profile doc approach to multilingual apps, mentioned here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/bpmpblog.nsf/dx/upsndowns?opendocument&comments

Here are the rough specs we're looking to achieve:

1 - Abstract most/all SuperNTF core text labels, messages, etc. so they are stored as values in a single "translation profile" document for each target language.
2 - Auto-detect a user's language preference and display the database with that translation profile (if available), or the default one (typically english)
3 - Allow a user to override their language preference by storing it in a user profile doc, such that regardless of the language version of the Notes client/browser, the database will display in the language selected.
4 - Custom Form field labels could be in separate profile docs, one for each form/language combo - tbd

more thought required...

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