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BlogSphere - Feature Request: MT Blacklist plugin for BlogSphere

For Movable Type, there's a blacklist system: MT Blacklists, maintained by Jay Allen:


We (well, my coworker Frank van der Linden mostly) have created a referral spam blacklist plugin for BlogSphere, based on the blacklist provided on the blacklist file found on mr. Allen's website.

It's a separate database that needs a one time import of the blacklist.txt file. The XML feed will be used to retrieve updates. It's possible to manually add domains or regular expressions to the blacklist. Finally we've built a whitelist option, so that regular referrers can be whitelisted. We're thinking of an agent that will do a one time import of approved referrers from the "verified and valid" view into the whitelist view; that way all regular valid referrers will be imported at once.

The Verify agent first checks the whitelist, then the blacklist, and finally the existing Verify Referrer code kicks in.

On the config tab of the BlogSphere database, a new tab 'Blacklist' is added; there you configure what you want to do with blacklisted referral documents. You have the option to put those in the Blocked Referrer view, or to remove them from the database altogether.

We're currently testing the blacklist on http://www.domino-weblog.com and http://www.wolfswinkel.net. If we are satisfied, we will expand the code into the verify Trackbacks agent. We'd like to use the same code for verifying comments, too.

If it works and we're satisfied, we will submit the code to the OpenNTF Blogsphere project.

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