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Google Maps Custom Control - Feature Request: embed map in dialog control


I am trying to embed the control into a dialog control (from the extension library) but I get the message:

An error occurred while updating some of the page.

   google is not defined

The reason is probably that the custom control is hidden by default.

I tried to copy the custom control a second time into the xpage and set the size of the map of 1px by 1px but then there is the problem that a div with a unique identifier (map_canvas) exists 2 times on the xpage.

The solution I found was to copy the resources that loads the google map (http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true) another time on my xpage. not ideally but it is a workaround.

So if you enable somehow that the custom control can be embedded in a dialog control then the problem is solved.

The control looks great by the way =)

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