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Qenos Application Framework - Feature Request: SuperNTF Integration Tweeks - Round 1

Hi Mark,

Here are a few items that shouldn't impact the core functionality but will make integration with SuperNTF (or anything else probably) a little easier:

1 - Form "_QAF WF Dev Workflow View": Set single-click Frame Focus of the embedded view to "NotesPreview"

2 - Subform "_QAF WF Action - Close Save Edit" - Add following to the QueryModeChange:

Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace

If Source.EditMode = False Then
If Source.InPreviewPane Then
'If user double-clicks on the preview pane we don't want to switch the preview
'to edit mode, but rather open the document fully
editmode = True
NewInstance = False 'this will ensure form forumulas of the views are respected
Call ws.EditDocument(editmode, Source.Document, , , ,NewInstance)
Continue = False
End If
End If

The reason for putting it on the subform is that this is the one subform that is present on all the forms I need to treat this way: Actions, States, Roles, Notifications, Conditions, Validations (i.e. that would appear in the preview pane).

3 - Script Libary "_QAF WF Builder" - Function "WFBLDFormPostOpen" - Add the following before the rest of the function code:

If Source.InPreviewPane Then
Exit Function
End If

The reason for this is to prevent the postopen code from causing documents to auto launch when displayed in the preview pane. This happened especially when you switched from one doc type to another, and is probably due in part to the changes made in #2 above.

Taken Actions by Owners

In this field you can enter the actual request.

You can use the rich text editor for rich text formating. You can also enter HTML to embed objects, e.g. to embed a YouTube video or a screenshot of the project. In this case use '[' and ']' to mark the passthrough HTML as such.

Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.
In this field owners can describe what they have done or want to do.

You can use the rich text editor for rich text formating. You can also enter HTML to embed objects, e.g. to embed a YouTube video or a screenshot of the project. In this case use '[' and ']' to mark the passthrough HTML as such.

Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.