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Threads and Jobs

This project contains samples showing how to create threads and Eclipse jobs from XPages to run longer taking operations asynchronously without blocking the XPages user interface or to run scheduled tasks.

An example is a task that checks on a scheduled basis for new messages in mailboxes, databases, social networks like Facebook and Twitter, etc. Server side code of an XPages application can then get the latest messages simply by reading the cached information from the task.

All samples in this project use a new feature in Domino 8.5.3. com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.SessionCloner can be used to clone a Domino session of the currently authenticated user. This allows developing threads that run on behalf of a specific user which can use the Domino Java APIs. com.ibm.domino.xsp.module.nsf.ThreadSessionExecutor which leverages SessionCloner adds additional convenience functionality to set context like the current database, it handles session timeouts, etc.

The Eclipse jobs framework (http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Concurrency/jobs-api.html) is a powerful framework used by Eclipse rich client developers. Eclipse jobs are essentially threads plus extra functionality like scheduling, progress monitoring, pooling etc. The XPages runtime supports these Eclipse jobs also server side since the necessary plugin comes with the XPages runtime similarly to the OSGi core framework.

In order to run the samples Domino 8.5.3 is needed. The extension library or upgrade pack 1 is only needed to check and display progress in an XPage via the xe:jsonRpcService control.

The Java code for threads and jobs can either be run in a NSF or as plugin. If run in a NSF the java.policy file needs to be changed to grant permissions. For plugins that is not necessary.

Add this to Domino\jvm\lib\security\java.policy when running the Job from the NSF:

grant {
   permission java.security.AllPermission;

Note that the following does not work since the Java code is put as class in NSF as opposed to a jar file in the /lib directory:
grant codeBase "xspnsf://server:0/threadsjob.nsf/-" {
   permission java.security.AllPermission;

For more details on permissions read:

1. Thread

Put ThreadsJob.nsf in Domino data root

Launch ThreadJob.nsf/Thread.xsp

2a. Eclipse Job in NSF

Put ThreadsJob.nsf in Domino data root

2b. Eclipse Job as plugin

Put ThreadsJobPlugin.nsf in Domino data root
Deploy the feature org.openntf.xsp.simpleSamples.feature and the plugin org.openntf.xsp.simpleSamples
Note: Only the package org.openntf.samples.job is needed, not the other packages in the plugin

Launch ThreadJobPlugin.nsf/Job.xsp

These capabilities are advanced capabilities in addition to the 8.5.3 synchronization improvements as mentioned in Karsten Lehmann's blog (http://www.mindoo.com/web/blog.nsf/dx/17.07.2011101855KLEBRW.htm?opendocument&comments#anc3):
From Phil Riand: "Synchronization no longer happens on the session itself, but on the page instance.  In short, it can now execute 2 different page instances at the same time, while it locks for postback calls to the same page instance and execute them sequentially."
From Karsten: "there will be a new database property called xsp.session.transient. This flag means that unique session objects will be created per request to the server and discarded right after the request ended. This is a first attempt to provide session less mode. If you use this option, then you can create one database with all the services and no synchronization will happen, as each request will have its own session object."