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PDQ Tools

This database was created in March 2009 to demonstrate how the ExtJS and FCKeditor JavaScript libraries can be used to create popup forms and do file uploads in Domino web applications.

Form1 - a web form that contains a Rich Text editting field that uses FCKeditor.
Upload - a web form that is used by Form1 to handle file uploads.
Agents - web query save agents for both forms.

- use of ExtJS Javascript to open Notes form in a popup DHTML window
- a web form that demonstrates the use of FCKeditor
- custom configuration file for FCKeditor to allow images to be uploaded and used
- a popup ExtJS window for uploading and attaching files to documents

Documentation is contained on the About page of the database and in a collapsible section called "Notes" in "Form1".

This database will be updated with new code and samples as they become available. The code is released under the GNU GPL license v3.

To see how these libraries are used in a real-life application, please download the free CMS at http://www.pdqportal.com.