
Announcing the New Board of Directors

It's a pleasure to announce the new OpenNTF board. We already have four Member Directors who still have one year left on their tenure:

Paul Withers
Dan Dumont
Oliver Busse
Graham Acres

The following Member Directors have been elected to a two-year tenure starting this year:
Christian Güdemann
Adam Foster
Jesse Gallagher
Doug Robinson

The following Contributor Directors have been elected for a year:
Roberto Boccadoro
Fredrik Norling
Howard Greenberg

After a number of years as a contributor director Nina Wittich this year decided to step down from the board. Thank you, Nina, for your work on the board.

In Nina's place, we are happy to welcome Roberto Boccadoro to the board. He has worked for some time curating content for CollaborationToday and has coordinated the OpenNTF Guides. His strong background in all things admin will bring an additional perspective to the board.

The new board will take up their positions on 3rd October, when we will also elect the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary positions.


Call for Nominations for OpenNTF Board Members

It's the time of year when elections are opening for the OpenNTF board. We have five Member Directors up for election this year:

- Christian Güdemann
- Adam Foster
- Jesse Gallagher
- Serdar Basegmez
- Doug Robinson

The terms of the three Contributor Directors are also expiring. Anyone with an ICLA or CCLA can apply for the post, which has a one-year term. The current incumbents are:

- Nina Wittich
- Fredrik Norling
- Howard Greenberg

Anyone interested in standing submit their names and a candidate statement to ip-manager at openntf.org.

The election schedule will be:
- Nominations open until 22nd September
- Voting from 23rd September to 30th September
- Winners take office on 2nd October


OpenNTF September Webinar - What's New with Domino Query Language with John Curtis from HCL

Domino Query Language is not standing still. Come learn from John Curtis about where DQL is and where it is headed.

Version 12 will see extended capabilities never before possible through programmatic means with Domino. Enhancements to the language itself will begin the talk, including the addition of Formula Language, client/server NRPC support and complete Full Text Index exploitation. The ability to federate and combine results from multiple queries as well as any (Notes)Document collection using the new (Notes)QueryResults processing engine will be highlighted extensively with a demo in its current state. Time permitting, additional new Notes and Java backend class features like transaction support will be revealed as well.

This webinar will take place on September 17, 2020 at 11:00 AM (New York time) to 12:30 PM. There will be time for questions at the end.

To register for this webinar go to: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4007218914974652431