• Accordian Control

    By Elijah Lapson 1 decade ago

    I am using the Accordian Container/Pane extension from the Xpages extension library and it works beautifully. Right now it appears as if the first Accordian Pane defaults to selected. How can I specify a different pane to be open when the control opens? What I can not get a handle on is using the selectedchild property to expand the Accordian Pane specified.

    Do you know of any examples of this in practice using Xpages? I find a bunch of dojo examples but I continually run into stuff like dojo.widgetid is not defined. What I need is an example in an Xpage.

    Anyways great stuff and thanks for your time.

    Dojo preschooler

    Elijah Lapson

    • Feature added

      By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

      The Accordion control, as well as the stack container, have a new selectedTab property. This allows a developer to select the current child to be displayed, and this value is passed after a roundtrip to the server, thus keeping the current child selected.

      Will be in the next build.