Controls Documentation

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Control: xp:text



A control that displays a read-only field that outputs the result of an expression.



Java Class:


title, string
Advisory Title
Provides title information for controls.
Required Attribute false
Localizable true
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
role, string
Control Identifier
Describes the role of the current UI element/area. It can be used by assistive technologies to determine its purpose.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


binding, object - javax.faces.component.UIComponent  [Inherited]
Control Binding
Specifies an expression that binds the control to a particular control property.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding false
loaded, boolean  [Inherited]
Specifies whether or not the control should be created when the page is loaded. Value defaults to 'true'.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
id, string  [Inherited]
Control Identifier
Specifies the name identifier for the control. No two controls can have the same name identifier in a single page.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
rendered, boolean  [Inherited]
Rendered Flag
Indicates whether or not the control should be displayed or processed on any subsequent form submission.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
rendererType, string  [Inherited]
Renderer Type
Identifies (with the "family" defined by the control) an appropriate renderer to encode and decode this control
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
for, string  [Inherited]
Label For Identifier
Specifies the target control. The target control receives focus immediately after users put focus on this control.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
dir, string
Specifies the direction for text that does not inherit a direction. Valid values are 'LTR' (left to right) and 'RTL' (right to left).
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
lang, string
Language Code
Describes the language used in the generated markup of the control.
Required Attribute false
Localizable true
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
htmlFilter, string
HTML Filtering processor name
Indicates which Active Content Filtering processor to use.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
escape, boolean
Escape Characters
Flag indicating that characters that are sensitive in HTML and XML markup must be escaped. This flag is set to "true" by default.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
disableOutputTag, boolean
Disable Outputting of Tag
Disable a html tag from being output for panels and repeats
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
tagName, string
Tag Name
Markup tag that should be generated by the control, instead of the default tag.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
preventBlank, boolean
Prevent Blank
Specifies if the rendered output is allowed to render nothing. If the value on this control is empty or null, it will insert a non-breaking space, which is useful for tables.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


converter, f:converterInterface - javax.faces.convert.Converter  [Inherited]
Converter instance registered with this control
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
value, generic  [Inherited]
Contains the current value of the control
Required Attribute false
Localizable true
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


contentType, string
Content Type
Specifies the type of content to expect. HTML and Text are supported. Text is the default.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


disableTheme, boolean  [Inherited]
Disable Theme
A flag used to determine if the theme should be applied to this control.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
themeId, string  [Inherited]
Theme Id
The theme id that should be used to set the component properties when a theme is applied
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
style, string
CSS Styles
Specifies CSS style(s) to be applied when this control is rendered.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
styleClass, string
CSS Style Classes
Specifies the space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this control is rendered. This value must be passed through as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
outerStyleClass, string
CSS Outer Style Classes
Space-separated list of CSS style class(es) to be applied when this control is rendered. When this value is set, the renderer generates an enclosing span using this style as the "class" attribute on generated markup.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true