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Control: xe:formTable



Displaying a form of input controls with rows containing labels and error fields, an overall title and an area at the bottom for the Save and Cancel actions.



Java Class:


binding, object - javax.faces.component.UIComponent  [Inherited]
Control Binding
Specifies an expression that binds the control to a particular control property.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding false
loaded, boolean  [Inherited]
Specifies whether or not the control should be created when the page is loaded. Value defaults to 'true'.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
id, string  [Inherited]
Control Identifier
Specifies the name identifier for the control. No two controls can have the same name identifier in a single page.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
rendered, boolean  [Inherited]
Rendered Flag
Indicates whether or not the control should be displayed or processed on any subsequent form submission.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
rendererType, string  [Inherited]
Renderer Type
Identifies (with the "family" defined by the control) an appropriate renderer to encode and decode this control
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
disableErrorSummary, boolean  [Inherited]
Error Summary
Disable the error summary panel, showing the server side errors
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
errorSummaryText, string  [Inherited]
Error Summary Text
Text of the error summary when default is not sufficient.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
disableRowError, boolean  [Inherited]
Error Field
Defines if the validation errors should be displayed per field
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
formTitle, string  [Inherited]
Form Title
Title of the form to be displayed.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
formDescription, string  [Inherited]
Form Description
Description of the form to be displayed.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
fieldHelp, boolean  [Inherited]
Field Help
Defines if an help link should be generated per field
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


labelPosition, string  [Inherited]
Label Position
Position of the label relative to the input control or main area. Either the label appears above the input ("above") or at the start of the row containing the input ("left"). The default value is "left".
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
disableRequiredMarks, boolean  [Inherited]
Disable Required Marks
Prevents the "*" marks appearing before the required field labels.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding true
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true


disableTheme, boolean  [Inherited]
Disable Theme
A flag used to determine if the theme should be applied to this control.
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true
themeId, string  [Inherited]
Theme Id
The theme id that should be used to set the component properties when a theme is applied
Required Attribute false
Localizable false
Allow Runtime Binding false
Allow Load Time Binding true
Allow Non Binding true