• Frameset behavior

    By Peter Kempf 2 decades ago

    I'm trying to use this on the old R5 TeamRoom template. There is a frameset which has navigation on the left, and the view on the right.

    If I expand categories, open a document, then go back (web browser back), the view refreshes with all the categories collapsed. This appears to be due to the frameset. If I look at the view without the frame and use the browser back, the categories remain open.

    I find this to be true when I use the NotesView2 design, or even just the original TeamRoom design.

    I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea of how to preventing the frame/set from refreshing the frame contents and collapsing the categories. It make using a categorized view on the web very painful.

    • i've abandoned framesets

      By Peter Kempf 2 decades ago

      I've decided to abandon framesets. Instead, on the $$ViewTemplateDefault I've embedded an Outline with all the views needed. It would be nice to have an ajax-like view navigator as part of the default template.

      • re:framesets

        By jason a thomas 2 decades ago

        I would've done similar Peter, either that or open documents in a popup-window.

        About AJAX outlines, there is a project on OpenNTF for this. I can't remember the name but it shouldn't be too hard to find.