• Error during startup of Calendar service on Domino App Server

    By ajitakothari 9 years ago


    We are using the FreeBusy ExtLib: extlib.openntf-901v00_12.20150311-1316, after start of service we are getting below error


    "text":"Internal Server Error",
    "message":"java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com\/ibm\/domino\/services\/calendar\/service\/CalendarService.beforeRequest(ILjava\/lang\/String;)V",
    "data":"javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com\/ibm\/domino\/services\/calendar\/service\/CalendarService.beforeRequest(ILjava\/lang\/String;)V\r\n\tat org.apache.wink.server.internal.RequestProcessor.handleRequest(RequestProcessor.java:195)\r\n\tat </p><table></table><p>

    • By Dave Delay 9 years ago

      This looks like an installation issue. The beforeRequest method is new to the extlib since 9.0.1. I'm guessing you have the 9.0.1 gold version of com.ibm.domino.das installed, but you have the 9.0.1v00_12 version of com.ibm.domino.services.calendar. Both plugins need to be at the same version level.

      Please type the following in the Domino server console:

      tell http osgi ss com.ibm.domino.das

      The output should show what version(s) of the plugin are installed. If there are mutiple versions, it will tell you which version is being loaded.


      – Dave

      • By ajitakothari 9 years ago

        Hi Dave,

        Thanks for reply.. We used the command you provided. Below is the result

        21/01/2016 12:29:37 id State Bundle
        21/01/2016 12:29:37 121 ACTIVE com.ibm.domino.das_9.0.1.v00_00_20150108-0821
        21/01/2016 12:29:37 201 INSTALLED com.ibm.domino.das_9.0.1.v00_12_20150311-1316

        Is possible to through command to active the required library. Like Active com.ibm.domino.das_9.0.1.v00_12_20150311-1316

        • By Dave Delay 9 years ago

          That's strange. OSGi should be activating the plugin with the later version number. I'm not sure why it's not, but I will ask around. Maybe someone else at IBM has an idea.

          Meanwhile, you could work around the problem by temporarily removing the earlier plugin. Is com.ibm.domino.das_9.0.1.v00_00_20150108-0821.jar on the file system? If so, do the following:

          1) tell http q
          2) Move com.ibm.domino.das_9.0.1.v00_00_20150108-0821.jar to a backup folder
          3) load http
          4) tell http osgi ss com.ibm.domino.das

          That last step is just to verify there is only one DAS plugin left.

          – Dave