• Technical Question about SendTo

    By Brad Stammers 2 decades ago

    I've been working on my own basic List Server as a replacement for our existing PERL based option, but have hit a technical issue that our current ListMaster seems to think is unassailable.

    His contention is that when the email is sent to the list, it must contain the actual list name as the SendTo field so that external recipients know where it's from.

    In my current model, I have groups set up to mirror every list with the only member being a mail-in for the List Server DB. I then process each email and handle the moderation etc, then send it out to the currently recorded list of members. As this is not a group but just a list of names, it doesn't do quite what the ListMaster wants and as such you can see every recipient of the email as opposed to just the list name.

    Can you think of anyway around this, either by changing the process or any other technical trickery?


    • Common practice

      By The Turtle 2 decades ago

      Realistically, most lists I'm on, from various sources, do this:

      The list "replyto" address (which is usually the list itself) is listed as both From and ReplyTo. The original submitter is generally not listed. In addition, most of the lists prepend some string related to the list name in brackets in the Subject line… e.g., the subject will show up as "[MYLIST]: some BS subject". This helps users who use filters and auto-foldering to file their list emails away someplace regardless of what replyto address the list uses.