• NullPointerException on getSession()

    By F van der Linden 1 decade ago

    Currently I am working on project where we wants to use the Triggered events.

    So I copied the Triggered Example from the example section of the DOTS project download.

    My Eclipse IDE is fully prepared to debug from outside Domino/Notes.

    When I debug my code, I run in a NullPointerException as my code hit the getSession() line where is tried to get a handle on the triggered database.

    Why is this happening? What do I wrong? And most important, what can I do to get this working?

    • Need more information

      By Paul Fiore 1 decade ago


      More information, such as sample code and a call stack would be required to try to diagnose your problem.  Please keep in mind though that Triggered events are "As is" and will not be a supported feature set of DOTS in upcoming Domino server releases.

