• DXL Error

    By SBG LNG 2 decades ago

    When I run it on some database it gives me the following error:

    expected entity name for reference>

    what am I missing?

    • Debug info?

      By Martin Vereecken 2 decades ago


      Thank you for warning me for this problem. It's hard to say without further info, but you could help me by

      sending some debug info. You can do this by: creating a directory "dxl" on the root and setting

      debugmode to "yes". Then run viewnify again and it should put a dxl file in the directory "c:/dxl".

      If you then send me the file (martin AT beesign.be - wrote it that way to prevent spamming) I can try to

      find what's wrong.



    • Solved now?

      By Martin Vereecken 2 decades ago


      I posted version 0.4 of my tool, and I think this will address your issue. Can you try the new version of the tool on your databases?