• Banner area of App Layout

    By Howard Greenberg 1 decade ago

    I see that the graphic selected in the banner area of the App Layout control does not display with the bootstrap theme.  Is there a way to fix that?  Also, the title in the title bar did not display.



    • There might be a few things like this...

      By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

      I'll put a fix for these ones. Please let me know if you find other issues.

      Note that you can fork the code and contribute the fix back :-)

      • I could once I figure out how to do more than spell Bootstrap!

        By Howard Greenberg 1 decade ago

        Thanks Phil, I am just starting out with Bootstrap and probably have a way to go before fixing the code!

        Also, is there a way to get the menus (from the Utility bar in the App Layout) at the top disappear into a button like the Collaboration Today site when used in a phone (narrow width)?

        This is a great project!


        • I'm sure you'll be able to dive into it...

          By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

          I'll be hosting a webminar in september explaining how the library is built, and where some customization should go.

          On the popup buttuns for menu, yes this is definitively doable. Actually I talked to Niklas 2 weeks about the code from collaboration info. But it was to late for the first release and I haven't got time since that. -> this is why I'm seeking help :-) 

    • fixed

      By Philippe Riand 1 decade ago

      Just fixed these issues