• Twitter Data Source

    By Bryan Sentz 1 decade ago

    I can sort of reproduce the example in the Social Enabler database.  It returns the "author" but no "tweet" information.  Is there any documentation on how to use the data source?

    • Which version of the ext lib are you using?

      By Dan O'Connor 1 decade ago

      If the user id is coming through then the tweet should be visible. Have you modified the social enabler application or are you trying to get it working in your own application. If it is your own application then you need to set the contentType to twitterContent


      Please provide further details of your setup

      • more on setup...

        By Bryan Sentz 1 decade ago
            <p dir="ltr">
                Hi Dan,</p>
            <p dir="ltr">
                I&#39;m using the April 3, 2012 Extension Library.&nbsp; I&#39;ve tried it both ways, modifying the social enabler database as well as my test xpages.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
            <p dir="ltr">
                I started with my own test xpage which was basically a copy paste from the social enabler database.&nbsp; Was not getting the tweets so I modified the oauth settings in the social enabler database.&nbsp;</p>
            <p dir="ltr">
                I tried a couple of different twitter accounts and get the same results.&nbsp; Could it be something in my twitter app settings?&nbsp; Always returns the user name but no tweets.&nbsp;</p>
            <p dir="ltr">

  • It has to do with the extlib version

    By Fernando Levi 1 decade ago

    I was testing the social apps myself, and I had the same problem after I updated the extlib version to the Apr 3, 2012. With the previous version, I could see the twitts, and with the current version, the twitts appeared blank.