• Page Navigator - expanding/collapsing subsections automatically

    By Pieter JD Malan 1 decade ago



    I have a page navigator containing a couple of container nodes, each of which contains a couple of leaf nodes. Is there a way that I can programatically expand/collapse sections based on certain criteria?





    • Not availble at this moment

      By Andrejus Chaliapinas 1 decade ago

      I was thinking once myself that such functionality could be asked about in the near future, but right now functionality is not there. There is no tree container node selector available now, which you could specify let say inside navigator's properties to expand only that container's section and not whole tree via currently available expandLevel property.

      I'll think if it's possible to implement expandSelection property or similar in some next Extlib release. Not sure if several navigators each based on some possible business section could make sense for your situation.