By istvan boscha 2 decades ago

    Hi guys,

    Has anyone played around with the xsl tranformation using the generateXML method? Is it possible to specify that the transformation should run on server and not on the client?

    i would like to map documents to plain java objects over diiop connections. What is in your opinion the best way to do it?

    1. use java api. Good but not really a fast one.
    2. generateXML and parse it. Faster than the first one, but what about the attachments? Using a 6..5.4 server the attachment is returned base64 encoded in the xml. Using big attachment will lead to memory problems.
    3. Mixed solution, but for this the xsl tranformation should run on the server otherwise you are at the 2nd one…

      Any other ideas???

      Thank you in advanced!
    • read my lips ...

      By Ulrich Krause 2 decades ago

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