• Style Sheets not loading

    By Laurence _ Sopala 1 decade ago

    We loaded the latest Extension Pack to our server, but the home page looks very ugly, like the style sheets aren't loading.  Also, when you click on the links in the page, they refer to pages that don't exist.  Are these missing, or did we do something wrong with the Extension Pack installation?

    Here are some of the missing link errors:

    Profiles link:  Error: Unable to load/pgProfilesDropdown?OpenPage&&dojo.preventCashe=1386281169177 status:404

    Notifications link:  Error: Unable to load/Services.xsp/activitystreams/notifications/@self?details=all&dojo.preventCache=1386339538837 status:404

    Apps link:  Error: Unable to load/Services.xsp/apps-html?dojo.preventCache=1386281171635 status:404
    • myWebGate Social Software - or myWebGate SCRUM?

      By Richie Schmid 1 decade ago


      are you talking about myWebGate Social Software (this project) or myWebGate Scrum db? (another project).

      it looks like you are using the software on a 8.5.x server? in this case you have to edit xsp properties file and select the old oneui-v2 theme by changing the value from "myWebGate-OneUI-V3" to "myWebGate-OneUI-V2.1" as there is no OneUI-V3 available on 8.x servers. that might be the reason for missing styles.

      And regarding the "missing links": if you are talking about the SCRUM DB, then you have to also install myWebGate and configure the path to the myWebGate NSF in the administration section, because the Apps, Newsstream &  Notifications links/dropdowns will point to the myWebGate directory.

      cheers, richard