• Automating the sync

    By Rick Goldberg 1 decade ago

    I just came across this tool and am very pleased with the results, I've used (tried) several notes-google sync options before and none have done nearly as good a job as this.

    I am now able to manually sync by running the bat file, but I would like to automate that - have it run nightly. The problem is that I need to manually enter my notes password, and I cant figure out howto automate that.

    I tried to edit the bat file like this:

    java goocalsync.GooCalSync < passwd.txt

    with my password in the passwd.txt file, but no luck it just sits on the enter password line.

    Any suggestions?

    • By Jon A Christopher 1 decade ago

      I found that if I left notes minder running, I wouldn't need to enter my password.

      Further, check "File->Security->User Security->Security Basics->"Don't prompt for a password from other notes-based programs".