• Step-by-step documentation

    By Alexandre Steinberg 2 decades ago

    First at all, congratulations for your great work!

    I'd sugest the creation of a step-by-step guide in order to show new users how to quickly create a simple workflow application. This way you'll get users, feedback and technical sugestions, contributing to build an even better application framework.

    The way it is available now, you'll only get feedback from developers and Notes fanatics. A great application needs to be closer to the real world, the real users, and this includes not so experienced programmers and technicians.

    After the "hello world" workflow, there will be always a lot of questions like "how can I do…", contributing to a very useful FAQ.

    That's my $0.02 by now…

    • re: QAF for dummies

      By Mark Demicoli 2 decades ago

      Alexandre, I definitely have plans to add the features which will extend this framework to 'lower developers' (snob!) and business analysts. The idea being that the specification for a workflow can be immediately translated without programming skills (at least partially). Right now I think we're at the tail end of bedding down the core code. Version 1 will be aimed at the Notes Fanatics (I like to call them Notes Fundamentalists) who can collectively help mould the philosophy which underpins future code push.