• Change NoCache to Cache in lookups for field labels

    By Jens Bruntt 2 decades ago

    I suggest that you change your field label lookups to Cache instead of NoCache.

    Performance on the forms will improve, and I don't see any reason why caching should be disabled here.

    • This would affect the possibility to change the language without

      By Thomas Schulte 2 decades ago

      leaving the database.

      So there is performance vs. functionality. In my mind functionality wins.

      • I don't agree - but you are the boss

        By Jens Bruntt 2 decades ago

        If you say so, the so be it. Great app by the way.

      • Let's give it a try

        By Ulrich Krause 2 decades ago

        @Thomas: this is correct, but do you really think someone else in the whole wide world is switching language back and forth as often as we do ?? ;-)

        • My point exactly

          By Jens Bruntt 2 decades ago

          When the user has selected the language, prompt him to leave the database and return.

          I am using the app over a VPN connection, and I believe that I see a performance loss from these lookups.

        • Test result here

          By Jens Bruntt 2 decades ago

          I just did a search/replace from NoCache to Cache of all the code in the application (thank you TeamStudio; the app contained "NoCache" 1000+ times).

          The app definately performs a lot better now.

          And not for the surprise: In my Notes 7 client I am still able to switch language and instantly see the difference in the UI.