• 'ConfiguredProducts' not found

    By Derek Rakow 1 decade ago

    After we sign into the application, we cannot get past this runtime error. We have only downloaded the code and we do have the Custom Content page created.

    Error source

    Page Name:/startPageNew.xsp
    Control Id: _id36


    Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
    Script interpreter error, line=3, col=43: 'applicationScope.tabconfig' is null

    JavaScript code

       1://print("Hn ==== " + applicationScope.tabconfig.homenav)
       2: if(requestScope.activeTab === "home" || requestScope.activeTab == null){
       3:    return applicationScope.tabconfig.homenav;
       4: }else if(requestScope.activeTab === "learning"){
       5:    return applicationScope.tabconfig.learningnav;
       6: }else{
       7:    return "";
       8: }


    The server console error message is:

    02/24/2011 07:08:38 PM  HTTP JVM: 'ConfiguredProducts' not found
    02/24/2011 07:08:38 PM  HTTP JVM: com.ibm.xsp.webapp.FacesServlet$ExtendedServletException: com.ibm.xsp.exception.EvaluationExceptionEx: Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
    02/24/2011 07:08:38 PM  HTTP JVM: CLFAD0134E: Exception processing XPage request. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in D:/Notes/data/domino/workspace/logs



    • Look for java file and then check build path

      By Jennifer E Heins 1 decade ago

      First, let's make sure ConfiguredProducts.java is there.

      1. In Designer, go to Window > Show Eclipse Views > and select Navigator. If you don't have that in the list select Other > General > Navigator and click OK.
      2. Locate the database template and expand it as follows:

        WebContent > WEB-INF > src > com > ibm > lotus > idc > wiki
      3. ConfiguredProducts.java should be there. If it isn't there, copy it from the same location in the template to the wiki. If it is there, go to the next step.

      Second, let's make sure the build path is set correctly.

      1. In Designer, right-click on the wiki and select Project Properties.
      2. Go to the Source tab and see if there is a build path for WebContent/WEB-INF/src
      3. If not, create it following these steps:
        1. Click Add Folder
        2. Expand WebContent and WEB-INF.
        3. Only select src under WEB-INF and click OK to create the build path.
        4. Click OK on Project Properties.
      4. Try the wiki again and see if this fixes the problem.

      Let me know if this works and I can update the template with this explicit build path.

      • 'ConfiguredProducts' not found - fixed

        By Derek Rakow 1 decade ago

        Thanks for the information. I did have to change the second part. The adding of the src folder in the build path.

        I think putting this in the template build will help.

        - Derek