• Summary column width 100%

    By Dejan Ljubič 1 decade ago


    I am interested if it is possible to set up custom value for the summary column width od dataview in properties tab. The default generated value it is 100%. If I ovveride it with the css


    .lotusTable td[style] {
       width: 40% !important;

    it set the width to all other td that have style instad of styleClass.

    Regards, Dejan

    • Heres some CSS to do that

      By Simon McLoughlin 1 decade ago

      Using css 3 attributes that won't be supported in IE:

      .xspHtmlTrView td:nth-child(2)


      width:50px !important;


      This will work in IE:

      .xspHtmlTrView > * + *


      width:50px !important;
