• Link to internal wiki page with nonascii text

    By Vladimir Lyubimov 1 decade ago

    Links to internal wiki page with nonascii text are saved without this text as http://sp1serv.assortiment.ru/webbase/wiki.nsf/dx/

    External wiki links are OK.

    • Workaround

      By Alexey Zimarev 1 decade ago

      I have the same issue with Cyrillic characters in the URL (for articles) and I changed the

      wikiFormating.makesubject method. I removed the last .replace that removes everything that is not latin

      alphabet and digits. I am not that good in regex to be able enabling additional alphabets there too but at

      least it works.

      • In addition

        By Alexey Zimarev 1 decade ago

        I have to say that links are not "saved" like this since links are formed dynamically using the wikiFormatter

        class from xpWikiStyle script library. That's why you see the proper link in edit mode like [[Чего-то там]]

        but in read mode you get just dx/_ (underscore is for the space).