• Would it be possible to surface back end fields on a document

    By sean cull 1 decade ago

    Loving the debug bar in lieu of a proper debugger.

    On our applications we have some standard fields on every document parentunid_tx as an example.

    I have tried to surface these in the debug bar by pushing currentDocument.getItemValueString('parentunid_tx')  to the arrays in the script library but it doesn't work.

    Is this because the debug bar cc does not have sight of the currentDocument - it is a typical 3 panel layout with the debugbar in the banner.

    I can push these standard fields to a view scope and get to them that way, I just wanted to check I am not missing a trick.


    Thanks again, Sean

    • should be possible

      By Mark Leusink 1 decade ago

      You should be able to surface fields from the currentDocument object by changing the getCustomVars() function in the xpDebugToolbar library. I've tested it using a simple example of an XPage with a document datasource attached to it and the toolbar in a custom control on the same XPage.


      If it doesn't work in your case I'm guessing that it has something to do on how the application is structured: the currentDocument object might not be available (yet) to the toolbar.