• Source code not building

    By Alexey Zimarev 1 decade ago

    I am trying to build the source code provided but at lease TaskManagement,TASK class is not found and TaskManagement.Activator doesn't contain many referenced method. Is this done intentionally? I was sure OpenNTF requires submitting a proper source code... I can't get the plugin to work. View version for Notes Mail 8 doesn't include AssignedTo, so I cannot see tasks assigned to me, I had to change it. Converting columns to values doesn't work in many cases, I had to change the web service provider code. Now the web service works and returns data, but plugin constantly says "Please wait..." and I can't even debug it because it is not compiling :(

    • TaskManagement.jar

      By Xuesong Wen 1 decade ago

      Hi Alexey,

      The TaskManagement.TASK class is in the TaskManagement.jar file, which you can find under .../sources/de.pavone.taskmanagement/lib. So you need to add this jar into your classpath at first, in order to compile this plug-in project. Then you could be able to run and debug the codes. If the plug-in still doesn't work, please send me more details about the errors.


