Have some spam that has been picked up by rules not being copied to the mailspam.nsf
Currently I have baysian set to copy only whilst in testing.
Some spam mail is being copied to mailspam.nsf
Example mail is where it has been picked up by increase probability rules so that end probability is 1.000
I have a lot of agentcreated rules that look for known mail addresses or specific subject words to increase probability.
Example from ks_log.txt
SUBJECT:Sent to lissa. -75% discounts notifier. economy There
*FROM:Online BrandViagra Pharmacy <xuiratib4594@t-ipconnect.de>*<br/>
*BODY LENGTH: 6254* <br/>
*Scanning message*<br/>
From the document iteslf the values of
KS_BL_ADD = 1.4800
KS_BL_TOKENS="img686: 0.9900"
Will try to find any commonality with other mails that do not copy correctly