Enhancements to the standard IBM Lotus Notes 6.5/7.0/8.x mail template.
I'm a first time experimenter with OpenNTF, so I may just be missing something but I've got a whole host of bugs after replacing my Database Design with OpenNTF 8.02:
> Variant does not contain an object<br/> > Signature line doesn't show up<br/>
Hello Larry, and welcome to openNTFs. Are you using the 8.0.2 template with a R6.x Lotus Notes Client? Many functions in this template requires a Lotus Notes 8.x Client. You can try to use the "Update Folder Design" Action from your Lotus Notes Client. To Refresh the Design from the folder. This can help to solve the problems you see.
I am using an R6.x Client…. Is there a more compatible version than 8.02 that I should be using?