Implement Yahoo UI and yui-ext into Domino applications.
Hi, i've built in the autocompleter stuff, if u are interested pls let me know. bye.
I'm working on the next build now, you can email it to me niel AT or I can add you as a chef if you want to continue to work on the project.
HI, when do you want to release the next build? Because i will build in more stuff (menu already there and autocompleter from dialog and much more….maybe we could synchronize…) Just contact me under dhol68 at……. BYe!
Thanks for all the feedback, my real job and life have kept from getting the next release to a point where I can release it. I should have something by Wednesday (I know I told some people last Wednesday). Now that the project team is up to 3 developers hopefully we can start making faster progress. In the mean time you should check out (no affiliation to me) to see the cool work they have been doing.