Social Business Toolkit SDK - 20130602
Social Business Toolkit SDK - 20130602
Jun 2, 2013
Apache License

What's New


  1. XPages and Java support in the Playground
  2. Moved the playground to OneUI v3/Domino 9

Updated JavaScript APIs

  1. New implementation uses JavaScript Promises
  2. Single Communities and Fils JavaScript API for Connections and SmartCloud
    ActivityStreams Service  works against Connections
    ProfileService has one implementation each for SmartCloud and Connections
  3. Improved API Documentation

Grid Controls

  1. Grid controls now working with SmartCloud
  2. Fixes and improvements in Grid Controls like:
    • Add image url encoding for CommunityGrid
    • Accessibility

Samples framework/ snippets

  1. New demonstration and API snippets (Including snippets documentation)
  2. Improved Samples Framework (Developers Playground)

Other fixes and improvements

  1. Improvements fixes in the core SDK modules
  2. Fixed issues related to jQuery support
  3. Fixed HMAC Encryption for OAuth1 authentication bean
  4. Tested and included SSO (ltpatoken based) authentictaion bean definition
  5. Added IDE workspaces for Windows and Linux developers
  6. Added a proxy debug util