Xpages Dojo Login Custom Control v1.5.4
Xpages Dojo Login Custom Control v1.5.4
Jan 3, 2011
Apache License

Xpages Dojo Login Custom Control v1.5.4

FIX: javascript errors on Firefox, removed dojotype textboxes because of 8.5.1 compatibility


Release history:

FIX: custom control didn't compile on Domino 8.5.1, this is fixed now
FIX: Sign-in button was still disabled on login fail.

FIX: when the property 'showrememberme' is set to false, the login process won't continue on IE
FIX: login button, style 'disabled' could not be styled using CSS (thanks to Mark Leusink)


NEW : Invoke the login dialog using a url parameter (see documentation for more information
NEW:  Add you own logo and controls to the login dialog by using the new facets (see test.xsp)
NEW : Documentation is available on OpenNTF

NEW : When the login button is pressed, the button is disabled (the user can't fire the login proces more than once)
NEW : When a logged in user is not authorized to access the next url, a warning is displayed
NEW : When a useraccount is locked out, a warning is displayed
NEW : When the server clock is out of sync, a warning is displayed
NEW : When a user session is expired, a warning is displayed
FIX : IE7 users could not login

NEW: cookieDomain property, set cookie on your specified domain. Every application in that domain will have access to the username cookie.
FIX : removed password in plain text from cookie, didn't work with dojo password controls.

FIX : when a xpage is loaded for the first time, the login control displayed itself for a couple of milliseconds.


NEW : option to display a 'remember me' checkbox. Since Dojo doesn't support password management, the username and password are saved in a cookie.


FIX : onEnter was fired everytime, everywhere, when the control was used.
FIX: login the application instead names.nsf?Login didn't work, multiple directories are now supported



NEW: Added option (urlLoginNSF) to specify .NSF where users must login, defaults to '/names.nsf'
NEW: Added help text on most properties



FIX: login by pressing enter key didn't work, it does now work on IE, Chrome and Firefox.
FIX: when Dojo themes were turned off, this control didn't behave as expected. It uses the Tundra theme by default.
NEW: new property 'displayLogoutLink'. Enable or disable the 'logout' link.