Date Name Downloads
May 16, 2013 2013-05-13 1910
Apr 24, 2013 2013-04-24 364
Feb 6, 2012 2012-02-06 1435
Apr 24, 2013
Apache License


Project Workflow for XPages targets to provider an easy way to develop workflow application with XPages. There is a build-in lightweight workflow engine in this project allowing XPages developers create workflow applications quickly. Also this project is easy to extend for connecting to other workflow engine. 


What is new: 

1. Implement a new XPages custom control called CommonWorkflow control which can be used to connect Activiti workflow engine. A sample application was developed to show capability of Activiti workflow engine integration. Activiti workflow engine is a open source workflow engine under Apache 2.0 licence. Here is its web site:

2. Provide a sample implementation to wrap Activiti workflow engine server into a OSGI bundle. This OSGI bundle can run in Domino server to provider workflow capability; 

3. Supply a framework allowing third party create their own workflow engine connector. One common API was defined to access back-end workflow engine in XPages. And workflow engine adaptor API also was define. To integrate a new workflow engine, just need to implement those API. Thus for XPages developers, we can use same code for front application development despite back-end workflow engine.  We can easily integrate different workflow engines as our back-end workflow engine.