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Audit Manager - News: New Features Update

I am cracking on with the new features, I was close to testing, but I have had a couple of feature requests so I am going to sneak them in!


Here is the current list of new features, this may change but most should make it in...


  • Configuration database now has a default group - "Audit Manager Administrators" so you can give people access to admin audit manager but not your entire notes domain, this group is also inserted into logs etc
  • You can now specify fields that contain a human readable id (e.g. employee number etc), this is logged and available in the log documents so it can be searched. It is also available in the views
  • New Audit Manager profile document stores defaults for the Audit Manager system, this profile will be extended to support any new applications for Audit Manager (possible search + compliance application)
  • Ability to centrally upgrade the Audit Manager audit agent, and sheduled check / update of the agents in the log database, also able to manually kick off the upgrade of the audit agen has been added
  • New "excluded fields" function, this allows you to define certain fields that should be excluded from the audit, the change in the field will still be recorded, but the value of the field will not be recorded.
  • Log data has been removed from the Audit document, and now sits in its own document allowing better log management.
  • Ability to centrally upgrade and refresh the design of all the audit logs
  • Ability to centrally upgrade the log database design, and scheduled check / update of the log versions, also ability to manually kick off upgrade
  • Log management has been centralised including, purging of log documents, new log size warning thresholds
  • Logs now have an FTI created automatically,  Audit manager now checks the staus of Log database FTI indexes on a scheduled basis and updates them, and creates and FTI if any are missing.

In this field you can enter the actual news.

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Please note that the first time you use the new UI your description is converted from rich text to MIME. You might want to copy and paste the raw plain text from the old UI in the new UI so that you don't loose information.