• A Call to Action!!

    By Jeremy G Hodge 2 decades ago

    Hello all … I've got a new revision underway and i'd like your input!

    I have some concepts/ideas/thoughts that I am approaching based on what I'd like to see out of NotesView2 … That being said, I'd like to hear from the community as well. What would you like to see added/modified? Lets dream big here people.

    Here's what I have in mind for the next release:

    1. I'm going to be moving the code into a namespace to help avoid possible conflicts with other javascript objects.

    2. I'm going to do the same with the CSS code, moving the CSS classes etc to NotesView2 specifically named classes, etc to again avoid possible conflicts.

    3. The "sample" database is going to become the functional repository for the notesview application. I'll give you the code and way to dynamically include a reference to the NotesView2 object, code, css, and other files that will be centrally stored in the in the "repository" database from your application to make distribution and maintenance a snap.

    4. If you want to tweak the NotesView2 app to add functionality, i'll also include a sample code on how to create a sublcass of the object and extend it do do what you want, instead of just hacing away and modifying the existing code.

    5. There will be more event handlers and callbacks exposed and created in the new version (think QueryDocumentOpen, QueryRefresh, PostRefresh, etc).

    6. I'm going to move localization from an included javascript file to an XML document you can define in the repository (old Sample database). That being said, i'm also going to maintain support for the old NotesView2Lang object, and possibly give you a converter that will convert the javascript code to the new XML format. (ALSO anybody who has localized NotesView2, I'd love to be able to include more localizations right outta the package, so if you have them, send them up.)

    7. I'm going to attempt to address the scroll bar issue, I believe I've determined the way to do this, but i've not started the coding for it … soooo … yeah.

    8. I'm going to include a few more CSS defined 'skins' for the view, as well as a CSS generator app to create and then store your CSS in the repository

    9. I'd like to try to respond to Keyboard events, ie up/down arrows, page up/page down, enter, etc

    10. resizable columns and column totals

    11. Can you say unread marks????? I can… (note this has the same limitiations that DWA has with exchanging with a notes client, but there is no client side code to do it.)

    12. And maybe a few more surprises if I have the gumption, say a NotesPreviewPane extension …. or maybe NotesSession, NotesDatabase, NotesDocument classes in javascript… Wha?? Backend document manipulation via javascript …. oooohhhh yeahhh ……

      Soo, let me know, what else do you Web Notes developers dream of at night? And what of the dozen or so listed above is your favorites?

      Oh and if you've got some favorite tweaks already built, and you'd like to give back to the project, send those up as well … granted not all tweaks can get put in, but if it fits the plans …


      jeremy g hodge
    • Thanks for your commitment

      By Bill Whittakers 2 decades ago

      Hi Jeremy

      Firstly, I would like to thank Jason for his original work. I have used two other attempts to implement web views and NotesView2 has been more more effective and easier to implement. I have combined it with the xhtml forms design approach developed by Ferdy Christant (http://www.ferdychristant.com/blog/articles/DOMV-623N9J), as well as using it with pass-thru HTML. Secondly, thank you for stepping in to the project and bringing new energy to it.

      Regarding your list for development:

      1. Please address the scroll bar issue (your number 7). It is one feature that is immediately noticed by people using the view.

      2. Please make the improvements to the save state function which you have already mentioned in another post. It has a similar impact to the scroll bar.

      3. Please add to the documentation some examples of how to use o.navigator.selected to get an array of selected view entries, just enough for a "new to Javascript" programmer to get started.

        P.S. I have been working on a way to do this which I could send to you for review when it is ready.

        Otherwise all of what you have in mind will be very worthwhile.


      • By jason a thomas 2 decades ago

        yes, thanks Jeremy for taking the initiative to bring this project to another level.

        for the scrollbar, I was in the process of attempting to duplicate a dynamic scrollbar the way that Google Reader does it, but I couldn't seem to get it right. hopefully Jeremy can solve this problem

      • Thanks and an Interim release

        By Jeremy G Hodge 2 decades ago

        I too am impressed with the work jason has done with this project. It really is a great project, and I'm excited to continue the work on it….

        Afer reading your post, and a few other around the project, i've decided to pop out an iterim release that addresses a few issues immediately rather than waiting for the larger work im doing currently.

        As of now this will include (thanks to updates submitted by a few users on 1 & 2)

        1. Support for column totals and CSS classes to set the style of Column Totals, and Categorized rows
        2. A fix for firefox browsers that dont support the msie specific insertAdjacent[HTML|Text|Element]
        3. Updates for the saveState functionality to return the user back to the way the view was when they last left … (this is going to be a bit tricky, but i have a plan … )

          I'll also pop in some code on dealing with selected documents as well if you havent nailed it down yet, if you have, send it on, and we'll include it in the project as demo code.

          Thanks again!

    • Tooltip and dojo

      By Peter Kempf 2 decades ago

      Will you use Dojo? Quite a nice toolkit.

      And the thing that i've shoehorned in is a remote tooltip widget extension


      to show an abstract of the documents when mousing over the document in the view. But it was terribly messy, and not worth contributing except for maybe the experience.

      Creating an abstract in the document can't be done at the view unfortunately, so I don't know how we could do this generically. Maybe the tooltip shows the entire document ?

      I hadd to add the tooltip instantiation at the end of drawRows because the objects in the dom aren't available at body.onload.

      So, its a very interesting list of ideas. I agree that an interim release with fixes to basic functionality is probably the right thing to do.