• Did you check Source Sniffer?

    By F. Kranenburg 1 decade ago
    • thats cool

      By Timothy B Nichols 1 decade ago

      Very nice.


      The tool I wrote is a quick code scanner in C++. It does not convert anything to xml using dxl, rather uses the Lotus 8.51 C API and .NET libraries. I actually throw away the code buffer, rather than display it, because I just want to know where the code dependencies are, or how many - in order to get a general level of effort for a design change. 


      e.g. When someone asks me "how long will it take to do ___", and I am reviewing someone else's application, this tool helps find the answer.


      Since it is using the C API, it will work on any version of Lotus Notes - unlike an eclipse plugin designed only for R8. 


      If i want to see the code blocks or manipulate them, I tend to use TeamStudio. This tool was not designed to try to replace what TeamStudio does with Configurator.