• GooCalSync for Linux

    By Francois Thomas 1 decade ago

    Under Linux, I created the following GooCalSync.sh script to mimic GooCalSync.bat :


    REM *

    REM Modify following 4 lines in accordance with your environment.

    REM *





    REM *

    REM This is main part. You don't need to modify.

    REM *

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$gcsnotespath:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    export PATH=$PATH:$gcsnotespath:$gcsjvmbinpath

    export CLASSPATH=.:$gcsjvmblibpath:$gcspath/gdata-core-1.0.jar:$gcspath/gdata-client-1.0.jar:$gcspath/gdata-calendar-2.0.jar:$gcsnotespath/jvm/lib/ext/Notes.jar:$gcspath/goocalsync.jar

    cd $gcspath

    java goocalsync.GooCalSync

    This works like a charm and I can sync my Lotus Notes Calendar running under Linux (Notes 8.5) with my Google calendar.

    Do you have documentation on how to build GooCalSync from the src directory ? I may wish to contribute as I find this tool very valuable.