• SPAM recognition

    By Frank Droste 2 decades ago

    I have problems defining rules.

    The rules.dll should run on the server as I get the rules_log.txt. My email server adds "X_Spam_Status" to my incoming mails . The RFC822 Header Name is "X-Spam-Status" and the RFC Header Body starts with either "Yes,…" or "No,…"

    My rule is

    When: BCC contains X_Spam_Status:Yes move to folder Spam

    Any hint what is wrong?

    Domino 6.5.5FP2

    Client 7.0.2



    • It should work.

      By Kristjan B Gudmundsson 2 decades ago

      It should work as long as this is external mail, could you send me your rules_log.txt file after some email has failed to run through the rules so I can better see what the problem is. You can delete the rules_log.txt before, so that it isn't to big. My email is kristjanbjarni(at)gmail.com